A few weeks back I wrote about my cowardly and disingenuous Congressman Jay Inslee and his lie of omission that illegal aliens would not be covered under the current health 'insurance' reform being considered in congress.
While I certainly can sympathize with the President and having his Congressional Address momentarily interrupted by a heckler... when one is going to go out of their way to call someone a liar while not being honest themselves... even then civility has it's limits, even when it is later apologized for.
One wonders if the likes of Pelosi and others will apologize for their likening some town hall goers to ***, racists, Astroturf, evil-mongers, gun-toting, angry mobsters.
Ok... maybe that last one is true:
h/t to Gateway Pundit via HotAir.
Read the complete post at http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/IHateLinux/~3/9wXnwLDnTpg/truth-to-power.html