The last time I hooked Git and SVN together, I first did all my set up work in SVN (Tortoise). Running git svn clone hooked things together. Since I love Git so much more than SVN, this seems a bit backwards so let's set things up the other way around.
cd c:
cd Develop
mkdir Project
cd Project
git init
git st //Shows that we are starting out on a branch called master
Open up VS2008, created my solution and projects
vi .gitignore //Add in my files to ignore
git add .
git ci
Open up Tortoise, create Project, Project/trunk, Project/branches, Project/tags //Wishing I didn't have to touch Tortoise... Advice?
git svn init https://central/svn/repos/Project -T trunk -b branches -t tags
git svn fetch
git co -b svn/import trunk
git merge master
git svn dcommit
Is there a better way? I'm not sure that git merge is the right way to go...