Monday October 15th, 6:30 Mitchell Tech Center
Let's extend a warm welcome to Kathleen Dollard who will be joining us as a guest speaker.
Kathleen Dollard
is a consultant, author, trainer, and speaker. She’s been a Microsoft
MVP since 1998, wrote “Code Generation in Microsoft .NET” (Apress) and
is a regular contributor to Visual Studio Magazine. She speaks at
industry conferences such as VSLive, DevConnections, and Microsoft
DevDays as well as local user groups. She’s the founder and principal
of GenDotNet. Her passion is helping programmers be smarter in how they
develop by learning to use Visual Studio, XML related technologies,
.NET languages, code generation, unit testing, and other tools to their
full capacity. She’s currently working on full life cycle improvements,
such as better debugging and capturing business intent in metadata and
test definitions. When not working, she enjoys woodworking,
snowshoeing, and kayaking depending on the outdoor temperature.
Her topic for the evening will be Rethinking Object Orientation
Decades after object orientation fundamentally altered
programming, it’s still evolving, and we’re still learning to use it better.
I’ll start with a review of the basic pillars of Object Oriented Design (OOD)
analyzing what’s still relevant today. Building on this foundation, you’ll
learn about the major technical changes to OOP design – tiers and assembly
isolation, nested classes, monumental framework libraries, generics, and
partial classes. I’ll take you further into good design goals for today’s OOD –
discoverability, maintainability, and robustness. This creates the local
implementation, but exposing it hurts long term maintainability so you’ll see
how to isolate your object code through local or remote services.
I will plan to have pizza for you guys so please let me know if you can attend or not by voting on the poll.