CodePrairie .NET

South Dakota .NET User Group


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  • Finding deleted files in subversion

    So I have to update my wix installer today and I need to remove files that I have deleted from my project. Subversion + Powershell makes this easy &nbsp; svn log -r 4606:HEAD -v | where {$_ -match &quot;^ D&quot;}&nbsp; 4606 was revision of the last time I updated the installer, so I ask subversion for all changes since then. -v tells it to ...
    Posted to chrisortman (Weblog) by chrisortman on 06-07-2007
  • War is coming

    Jeremy suggests that Martin Fowler has fired a shot across MS&#39;s bow&nbsp;with his RubyMicrosoft&nbsp;post. At the same time we hear from Jamie that Microsoft is threatening legal action against TestDriven.NET I think that Leia can put a lot this into perspective for us: &nbsp; The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems ...
    Posted to chrisortman (Weblog) by chrisortman on 05-31-2007
  • Now this is cool!!

    Via Chris Sells, Mirosoft Surface. I remember something like this from a Bill Gates keynote (at CES?) about a year ago but never saw much more. But the cool factor here is high.
    Posted to chrisortman (Weblog) by chrisortman on 05-30-2007
  • MySpace v Facebook

    Saw this on digg today&nbsp;and basically it says that whether you choose myspace of facebook is some kind of IQ test. I agree, but with slight modifications. Let&#39;s just turn the IQ test into pass /&nbsp;fail and if you spend a bunch of time using either site, then you fail.
    Posted to chrisortman (Weblog) by chrisortman on 05-28-2007
  • undefined method 'gem' for main:Object

    I have to do development on several different machines (keeping them in sync is a real pain, so if you have any good advice please share) and when I went to do some rails work I kept getting this error everytime I&#39;d try to do something: undefined method `gem&#39; for main:Object It took me a little while to figure out, but I finally upgraded ...
    Posted to chrisortman (Weblog) by chrisortman on 05-28-2007
  • Spring Cleaning

    My work PC has been a little sluggish lately so I decided I&#39;d do a bit of spring cleaning on it today. Now I don&#39;t want to do all this manually so I start looking for a tool to do this for me. First stop then search page for &quot;temp&quot; and sure enough Scott has found one. CrapCleaner is a nice little ...
    Posted to chrisortman (Weblog) by chrisortman on 05-28-2007
  • Servlet programming

    Ayende mentioned disliking the JSP servlet model last week and I must say I agree with him. As I type this I&#39;m downloading eclipse. Why, you might ask? well once upon a time about 3 years ago or so I had developed some JSP&#39;s and now it&#39;s time to go in and make some changes to them. I remember back when I was first writing these ...
    Posted to chrisortman (Weblog) by chrisortman on 05-26-2007
  • Rake task to update version information

    I maintain assembly version numbers in my msbuild project files. It is (unfortunately) spread across 3 files for the time being, a .targets file, the master .proj file and a wix (.wxs) file. So I thought I would hack a quick rake task that will update all these version numbers for me when it comes time to update the application. I ran into a snag ...
    Posted to chrisortman (Weblog) by chrisortman on 05-25-2007
  • Sigh...

    I wish I was as good at finding solutions I&#39;m happy with as I am at finding problems.
    Posted to chrisortman (Weblog) by chrisortman on 05-24-2007
  • Getting some test data from powershell

    I want to test out a form I&#39;m working on and I want to ensure that the requirement of &quot;input must be less than 255 characters is met&quot; So I just want a string that is at least that long that I can paste into the text area, quick and easy from powershell &nbsp; 0..255 | %{$q += &quot;x&quot;}; write-clipboard $q
    Posted to chrisortman (Weblog) by chrisortman on 05-22-2007
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