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  • Mocking server objects from unit tests

    So heres the problem statement: I'd like to be able to use WatiN tests to test my MonoRail views. But the controllers that render these views depend heavily on calling an external webservice that is large (in terms of number of methods and amount of data returned). Now I could setup a stub service...
    Posted to chrisortman (Weblog) by chrisortman on 08-17-2007
  • WCF Lessons

    Consider a datacontract like this: [DataContract] public class CreateAccountRequest { private string _accountNumber; private string _accountGroupCode; private AccountProfile _profile; private Contact _billingContact; [DataMember] public string AccountNumber { get { return _accountNumber; } set { _accountNumber...
    Posted to chrisortman (Weblog) by chrisortman on 05-11-2007
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