
CodePrairie .NET

South Dakota .NET User Group

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  • Hooking into new Nhibernate features from Castle ActiveRecord

    NHibernate has a lot of great new features. One of which is support for events. However, if you are using Castle ActiveRecord you can't specify these things in the configuration like you normally could and must instead roll up your sleeves and do it programatically. There are 2 hooks in ActiveRecord...
    Posted to chrisortman (Weblog) by chrisortman on 04-09-2008
  • Quick Resharper Tip

    I'm upgrading my NHibernate references to the new Alpha build and have to change a bunch of using declarations from NHibernate.Expressions to NHibernate.Criterion. A simple way to have Resharper do this for you is to declare you own NHibernate.Expression namespace and rename it. Resharper will then...
    Posted to chrisortman (Weblog) by chrisortman on 04-08-2008
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