
CodePrairie .NET

South Dakota .NET User Group

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  • Visual Studio template information is out of date?

    What? Good question. In the middle of working I thought I'd add a new class to my project when low and behold I get a dialog box: No Visual Studio template information found. Seel the application log in Event Viewer for more details. Ok, so I open up event viewer and find this Event Type: Warning...
    Posted to chrisortman (Weblog) by chrisortman on 07-11-2007
  • War is coming

    Jeremy suggests that Martin Fowler has fired a shot across MS's bow with his RubyMicrosoft post. At the same time we hear from Jamie that Microsoft is threatening legal action against TestDriven.NET I think that Leia can put a lot this into perspective for us: The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin...
    Posted to chrisortman (Weblog) by chrisortman on 05-31-2007
  • Thank you Visual Studio

    I ran into a nice little issue in Visual Studio today that I still have no idea why it happened, only that I managed to make it work again. I had just added a new folder to my project, then a new file (it was a common script for the brail view engine if you are wondering) and went to build my project...
    Posted to chrisortman (Weblog) by chrisortman on 05-18-2007
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