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  • Follow Up: How do you manage your open source software

    A while ago I asked: How do you manage your open source software? . It seems like Bill Pierce had the same question, so I thought I should get to writing my follow up. I also asked this same question on the mailing list (whole thread is here ). A lot of folks suggest not updating once you have...
    Posted to chrisortman (Weblog) by chrisortman on 04-06-2008
  • Why frequent commits are important

    Something I have noticed has changed about the way I work now that I use git instead of subversion is that I make a lot more commits. Let's say that in order to add feature X I need to make the following changes Add migration Add ActiveRecord model Foo Add PersistanceTests for model Write Tests for...
    Posted to chrisortman (Weblog) by chrisortman on 02-14-2008
  • Why I <3 git rebase

    I recently started adding a new feature to one of my projects. The first thing I typically do in this scenario: git checkout -b name-of-feature current-version (replacing name-of-feature and current-version appropriately) Now as I'm working on this I may bump into something that if I were to refactor...
    Posted to chrisortman (Weblog) by chrisortman on 02-14-2008
  • Creating Subversion patches with git

    Adam expressed his frustration with creating tortoise compatible patches using git . He mentions a script that will do the job, which I have not yet tried. However if you are using git on windows you most likely have cygwin installed which you can use to install the patch.exe program. But first you need...
    Posted to chrisortman (Weblog) by chrisortman on 01-14-2008
  • Limitations of svn branching

    I generally run all my projects that use castle off the trunk. However it has been several months since I've taken any updates, mostly due to lack of time on my part. As I'm upgrading there are many many changes which require me to update my code. Most due to the introduction of IController and...
    Posted to chrisortman (Weblog) by chrisortman on 01-09-2008
  • Getting started with the Castle git repo

    Before we dive into commands I feel the need for a little rationale. I'm not going to explain all the virtues of GIT as google will happily do that for you, I am however going to explain why I need to use it. I have 5 separate projects that all use something from Castle. Keeping track of which project...
    Posted to chrisortman (Weblog) by chrisortman on 10-17-2007
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