Chris - I am out for Monday night as well. My dads birthday party
Of topics for the coming year I was going to suggest: (Log4Net, Mock objects, WinDbg, FxCop, ParallelFx, SSAS, Visual Studio 2008 Enhancements, LINQ to SQL, LINQ to ADO, SQL Server 2008 enhancements, Lamba BLOCKED EXPRESSION
Some of these I have never used and am curious about learning more (Log4Net, WinDbg, LINQ), others I have used a little or started learning more about
But whatever the group comes up for with topics, I am willing to help with one of the meetings - just better count me out of any of the web developer stuff - I am interested in learning and hearing about that stuff - just afraid I won't be able to offer much to the real web developers among you but any other topic I'd be willing to help with and plan on being at most of the meetings - feel free to assign one of the group selected topics to me or post the selected topics for the year to this site and I'll volunteer for one of them