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More unethical behavior from Dozier Internet Law

Sadly my attention has been drawn away from the Dozier Internet Law vs The Free World battle online, and as a result seeing my Google ranking drop a bit over the last 5 weeks (weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) for related queries I decided I needed to check the status of things... and boy did I find another whopper.

I've discovered that our friends over at Dozier Internet Law continue to engage in unethical behavior... this time attempting to pollute the Google search results with garbage domain names.

Despite doing all of their business at, they own a number of other domain names including:

Up until a few weeks ago some of those domains simply pointed to their main web site... now though all are doorway pages with a combined 8433 words of Google deceiving text between three different web pages ( redirects to with largely similar, but reorganized content to what is found on their main site.

It has become well known that Dozier Internet Law engages in behavior that is on questionable ethical and legal ground and rather than apologizing and/or stopping... they just ramp it up even more.

What better way to show what a group of professionals they are to potential clients than by polluting Google in a manor that they frown upon while simultaneously giving even more ammunition to the very people they are trying to beat through these actions.


Perhaps it would be in the best interest of Dozier Internet Law to read the Google's Webmaster Guidelines page before news of this unethical behavior gets out and those critical of it report it's actions to Google via it's Report a Spam Result page.

Read the complete post at

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