
CodePrairie .NET

South Dakota .NET User Group

I Hate Linux

Proof of concept add-in: Tab Management

Part of the reason I created Tab Scroller was that at times I just have too many tabs to deal with in the Windows Home Server Console and today I came up with another method of dealing with large numbers of them... a Tab Management tab.

What does it do? It is a tab itself, which in turn loads a specified group of add-ins itself instead of having the Home Server Console do so (via renaming of the files) and then displaying the appropriate control when the desired one is selected from the presented list box:

Tab Management Test

The amazing thing about this add-in... is that it doesn't do any crazy hacks the way Tab Reorderer or Tab Scroller do.

Unfortunately this add-in is just a proof of concept test right now and is not something I'm likely to release anytime soon... largely because I can't decide on a good way to display the settings in the Settings dialog (something I am responsible for in order to make the main form work the way it does).

I figure though that this will be a good place to add the functionality of Tab Reorderer and Tab Scroller in once it does see the light of day and users.

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