
CodePrairie .NET

South Dakota .NET User Group

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  • Edge cases and polishing

    Some say that that the majority of developers are psychologically incapable of adequately testing their own code (outside of unit testing) because subconsciously they know where their program works and where it doesn't and will avoid straying from the path so that their program keeps working great...
    Posted to I Hate Linux (Weblog) by Anonymous on 11-14-2007
  • Grumble Grumble Visual Studio bugs

    Off and on for the last couple of days I've been playing around with making Visual Studio project templates and customizing them with Template Parameters and ran into a little issue... the assembly name template being specified in the larger template is simply ignored. What does that mean? If I create...
    Posted to I Hate Linux (Weblog) by Anonymous on 11-07-2007
  • Phase Two & Three: Windows Shares & IIS

    Despite intending on being more logical in my coding and perfecting one set of API calls before moving on to another... over the weekend it was a fairly chaotic process as I ran back and forth between different pieces to make my ugly form with a dozen text boxes and two dozen different buttons to let...
    Posted to I Hate Linux (Weblog) by Anonymous on 10-29-2007
  • Phase One: DFS

    Despite my earlier estimate ... I'm now expecting that my new WHS add-in will take significantly longer than first expected... largely because of the fights with the Win32 API. Currently (first of 3 separate API sets I need to work with) I'm implementing support for the Windows Distributed File...
    Posted to I Hate Linux (Weblog) by Anonymous on 10-26-2007
  • How little I know

    Over the years I've found that I'm an unusual kind of .NET developer... as I really don't use databases directly either personally or professionally. Sure has a SQL 2005 backend with a dozen quick stored procedures... but other than that, the only real DB programming...
    Posted to I Hate Linux (Weblog) by Anonymous on 10-05-2007
  • Windows Home Server Tab Test Loader

    One big problem with any kind of add-in tab development for the Windows Home Server Console is that testing is a #&*%. Even if you don't build a full installer every time, you've still got close the console, copy the DLL over to the server and re-launch the client... even if just to see if...
    Posted to I Hate Linux (Weblog) by Anonymous on 09-09-2007
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