So I have REST + HTTP which gives me CRUD over a resource. And I'm going to say that in the REST world Uri is to resource as PrimaryKey is to a table. Uri is certainly more user friendly so traditionaly I'd wind up writing something that maps...
So I have to update my wix installer today and I need to remove files that I have deleted from my project. Subversion + Powershell makes this easy svn log -r 4606:HEAD -v | where {$_ -match "^ D" } 4606 was revision of the last time I updated...
Jeremy suggests that Martin Fowler has fired a shot across MS's bow with his RubyMicrosoft post. At the same time we hear from Jamie that Microsoft is threatening legal action against TestDriven.NET I think that Leia can put a lot this into perspective...
Via Chris Sells , Mirosoft Surface. I remember something like this from a Bill Gates keynote (at CES?) about a year ago but never saw much more. But the cool factor here is high.
Saw this on digg today and basically it says that whether you choose myspace of facebook is some kind of IQ test. I agree, but with slight modifications. Let's just turn the IQ test into pass / fail and if you spend a bunch of time using either site...
I have to do development on several different machines (keeping them in sync is a real pain, so if you have any good advice please share) and when I went to do some rails work I kept getting this error everytime I'd try to do something: undefined...
My work PC has been a little sluggish lately so I decided I'd do a bit of spring cleaning on it today. Now I don't want to do all this manually so I start looking for a tool to do this for me. First stop http://www.hanselman.com/tools then search...
Ayende mentioned disliking the JSP servlet model last week and I must say I agree with him. As I type this I'm downloading eclipse. Why, you might ask? well once upon a time about 3 years ago or so I had developed some JSP's and now it's time...
I maintain assembly version numbers in my msbuild project files. It is (unfortunately) spread across 3 files for the time being, a .targets file, the master .proj file and a wix (.wxs) file. So I thought I would hack a quick rake task that will update...
I wish I was as good at finding solutions I'm happy with as I am at finding problems.
I want to test out a form I'm working on and I want to ensure that the requirement of "input must be less than 255 characters is met" So I just want a string that is at least that long that I can paste into the text area, quick and easy...
I haven't been able to access twitter for the past couple of days. And apparently I'm not alone. Phil mentions in his post that Atwood and Leo Laporte have already given up on it, but I have another theory. What if some large monolithic empire...
I ran into a nice little issue in Visual Studio today that I still have no idea why it happened, only that I managed to make it work again. I had just added a new folder to my project, then a new file (it was a common script for the brail view engine...
I was using the brail view engine yesterday and ran into a problem . So I wanted to be able to find all the places I was calling ToString( ) on a variable and passing in a format. Powershell makes this nice and easy. gci -recurse -include *.brail | Select...
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