In past whenever the vampires from the blood bank would show up at my school or work I'd make it a point to go out and give a pint or two (I've got more than enough) and never had any problem... until ~18 months ago when I felt unbelievably light...
When neurologist #3 suggested a bone scan I asked to delay it for a month or so so that I could re-aggravate my hands with a month or so of 'normal use' and am now ready to go in for the tests at 7:30 on Wednesday morning in Sioux Falls. Yea for...
Why isn't there such a thing? This evening my neighbor came by to borrow my power drill and despite sitting less than 10 feet away from my front door, I hardly heard her knock and once again reminded myself that I should look into some sort of wireless...
To quickly add to my previous post on the subject of DHCP4WHS... last week I came up with a new build of DHCP4WHS ( 0.8.4 ) which doesn't change much from the first build (0.8.2) and offers a few cosmetic and stability improvements (more cosmetic...
When I first heard about Windows Home Server I fell in love and berated Charlie Kindel (General Manager of WHS) with countless questions on the original Channel 9 thread and after some begging of someone else on the team got let into the beta and eventually...
One big problem with any kind of add-in tab development for the Windows Home Server Console is that testing is a #&*%. Even if you don't build a full installer every time, you've still got close the console, copy the DLL over to the server...
The UriTemplate is a new class in the .NET Framework 3.5 It provides a nice convenient way to parse variables from Uri's such that UriTemplate temp = new UriTemplate(" account/{accountid} "); Uri requestUri = temp.BindByPosition(baseUri...
For as long as I can remember I've always been shopping at stores like Casual Male XL as they were the only ones who had my ridiculously large sizes (4xlt & 5xlt) and now that I've come down significantly I'm slowly looking into other...
This morning my daily weigh in put me at 265 even, a full 150.2lbs down since I started my weight loss campaign back in May 2006 when I started at 415.2. Previously: This morning: Bo ya! *Only* 69.8 lbs to go.
Why didn't anyone tell me about the release of that beauty ? At my old development job I used the free Dotfuscator Community Edition to protect a project that I lead the building of and because the company was rather cheap, I was stuck using the free...
I really really would like to be able to use rails on windows (not just developing, but in production). My preference would be to use linux, however the powers that be resist non microsoft os's like its nobodys business. My first attempt is to use...
Since I'm on windows I'm running this from powershell. ruby -r profile myprogram.rb 2> prof. log This will turn on ruby's profiling which writes to STDERR. the 2> catches that output and puts it into a file. Now after you run this there...
I've been doing some testing using open-uri but when my server returned an http 500 all I got on the ruby side was an Open::HTTPError. In order to view the actual error page returned by the server I needed to do something like this: begin resp = open...
What could be worse than Hillarycare where employers would be forced to provide health insurance for their employees? Why John Edwards' new plan that would require every citizen to be covered AND seek preventative care. This all begs the question...
With all of the coverage of the Larry Craig arrest, guilty plea and resignation this week a common joke has been "Where is the next republican convention going to be? The Minneapolis airport bathroom?" Has no one bothered to actually check?...