This afternoon I was compelled to join a friend and his cousin in seeing this... horrible movie, and aside from making me wish that I had that 86 minutes and $5.25 back... I left encouraged to not go back and watch the first Alien vs Predator movie (which...
In many homes this morning countless children screamed and yelled as they discovered Santa had visited and left them just what they'd asked for. What follows is something I learned a few weeks ago and that made me act similarly... only I was giggling...
Q : What are some of the other Home Server Controls that I can take advantage of in my add-in? A : Three of the most commonly used controls are QButton, ConsoleToolBar and LineBox which individually behave virtually identical to existing controls, only...
Q : How can make a ListView that looks more like what I see in the Home Server Console with so many images and progress bars? A : Another one of the wonderful undocumented features of Windows Home Server is the FancyListView control (Microsoft.HomeServer...
Did you know that most of the custom visual controls used in the Windows Home Server Console (with the exception of the graphs) are unofficially available for your use in your add-ins? In order to access them in the designer, simply add the controls to...
On Monday and Tuesday I made a horrible mistake in the two part WHS Dev Tip on remote and local debugging as I completely forgot about the static Control.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls property that can be used to get around debug time exceptions such...
... aka "Ship It Award" This afternoon I found this box (which weighed a good pound and a half) at my door: And inside a well bubble wrapped package: The box: Inside: Sadly it seems the cube was just too large for it's container as it had...
This morning I hopped on the scale for my daily weigh in and it told me I'd reached 246 lbs. Woot! While not an important number on it's own... nor is the 169.2 lbs I've lost since starting very special either, a quick look at a BMI calculator...
Part of the reason I created Tab Scroller was that at times I just have too many tabs to deal with in the Windows Home Server Console and today I came up with another method of dealing with large numbers of them... a Tab Management tab. What does it do...
Last night I changed my display settings on my laptop for our user group meeting. However, the settings I had chosen started causing me problems the next time I rebooted. For the record I'm running Linux Mint Daryna 021 Beta During the boot the system...
Q : Remote debugging is fine and dandy... but what about debugging my application locally? A : For those who don't want to deal with the complexities of remote debugging, want the simplicity of having everything on a single machine and/or do not have...
The past few years there have been a ton of blog posts on the ever growing flood of software development information out there and how hard it is to even pretend to keep up. One post that stuck with me was labeled Everything You Know Will Be Obsolete...
Q : Can I attach a debugger to the Home Server Console application to test my application? A : Absolutely! There are two ways of doing this... locally and remotely. Locally works by installing a copy of Visual Studio (including Express) and setting it...
A week ago I was getting this... Now when viewing a backup of my desktop I get this towards the end: Which is quickly followed by this: And these errors in the server's event log: Unexpected error 0x5aa from ReadFile on D:\folders\{00008086-058D-4C89...
After owning the name domain for more than four and a half years... at last, there is now actual, useful, honest to goodness content! And no... there are no links related to the cobuyitaphobia wars (in which I was victorious ). Despite the frequency of...